Results and Impact

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, from The Little Prince

We are privileged to share many dozens of our client's stories, testimonials, and kind references in the information and links below, as well as the overwhelming response of the public at large.

Activational presentations, Events, and Engagements

We've delivered hundreds of workshops, presentations, and trainings directly to many thousands of blind students, families, and professional participants. Some of these have been inspired to form their own organizations as agents of change in their regions and countries. Most of our engagements are unsolicited, invited by word of mouth. Our services are overwhelmingly well received in over half the U.S. and across the globe. The number of countries we've reached doubled from 18 to 36 between 2010 and 2013, with the demand for our services continuing to escalate. Although we charge only for reimbursement of our own expenses in most cases, we are often generously sponsored by religious and relief organizations, schools and universities, medical institutions, nonprofit entities, media companies, prfessional organizations, corporations, and private clients themselves out of appreciation for what they've received.

Reports from Students, Families, and Friends about Learning to See

What a few of our students and clients have said about their experiences with our approach, told through news pieces and documentaries, as well as private letters, most of which were unsolicited.

News and Media

Through our public awareness campaign, we've been featured and referenced in many hundreds of media pieces from the scholarly to the mainstream, and have contributed dozens of our own works. We are proud to say that nearly all of these pieces resulted from invitation and word of mouth, not from our own active promotion. We calculate that our work has touched hundreds of millions of families and professionals in many dozens of countries through mainstream and high profile publicity, as well as programs and publications for specialized interests. We trust you'll enjoy, and hope you'll be edified and inspired. Please spread the word.

A Sketch of Impact on Clients

A quick sketch of the effectiveness of our approach on thousands of our students and clients.

The World Responds

A quick view of how interest of our approach has spread throughout the world with almost no self promotion. More information about this response can be found throughout our website.

Honors, Awards, and Distinctions

A heart-felt collection of the special recognition given our approach and its impact. - with our gratitude and appreciations.

"If we take man as he is, we make him worse, but if we take man as he should be, we make him capable of becoming what he could be." - Goethe

We go where we're invited; we stay where we're welcome. We don't try to sell, persuade, or convince. Our aim is to share what we learn. We've delivered hundreds of workshops, presentations, and trainings directly to many thousands of participants in over 36 countries and half the U.S. Most of our engagements are invited by word of mouth, as we do little active promotion. Our services are overwhelmingly well received all across the globe. Although we charge only for reimbursement of our own expenses in most cases, we are often generously sponsored by religious and relief organizations, schools and universities, medical institutions, nonprofit entities, media companies, prfessional organizations, corporations, and private clients themselves out of appreciation for what they've received. Thank you. We are pleased to serve.

High Profile Activational Presentations

Featuring some of our well received high profile corporate, educational, and public presentations.

Keynotes and Plenary Sessions for Noted Blindness Conferences

Well received presentations delivered to well attended conferences throughout the world.

Science, Technology, and Higher Education

These include presentations for institutes of higher education and research - universities, medical establishments, and science symposiums.

Blindness Workshops for Professionals and Families - Learning a New Way

Selected reports about workshops we've delivered to professionals, illustrated through news pieces and documentaries, as well as private letters from workshop coordinators and attendees, most of which were unsolicited.

From the Public

Selected, unsolicited letters and reports from attendees of our public outreach clinics and events, and the impact of our approach on members of the general public.